CareSounds Billing Services can be used for all types of Medical Specialties, including, but not limited to:
- Acute Care Hospitals
- Addiction/Substance Abuse Hospitals
- Audiologists / Audiology
- Allergy & Immunology
- Anesthesiologists / Anesthesiology
- Bariatric Surgery
- Cardiologists / Cardiology
- Chiropractor / Chiropractic
- Community Hospitals (general)
- Dermatologists / Dermatology
- Dentist / Dentistry
- Durable Medical Equipment
- Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists / Ear, Nose & Throat Speciality
- Emergency Medicine Doctors / Emergency Medicine
- EMT Billing
- Endocrinologists / Endocrinology
- Family Practitioners / Family Practice Physicians / Family Practice Doctors
- Freestanding Emergency Centers
- Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC Billing)
- Gastroenterologist / Gastroenterology
- Geriatric Physicians / Geriatrics
- General Surgery
- Hematologists / Hematology
- Hepatologists / Hepatology
- Home Health Services
- Infectious Disease
- Infusion
- Internal Medicine Physicians / Internal Medicine
- Laboratory Billing
- Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Mental Health
- Neonatologists / Neonatology
- Neurologists / Neurology
- Oncologists / Oncology
- OB GYN / Obstetricians / Gynecologists / Obstetrics / Gynecology
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Ophthalmologists / Ophthalmology
- Optometrists / Optometry
- Orthopedists / Orthopedics
- Osteopaths / Osteopathic
- Pain Management
- Pathologists / Pathology
- Pediatricians / Pediatrics
- Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
- Physical Therapists / Physical Therapy
- Physiotherapists / Physiotherapy
- Plastic Surgeons / Cosmetic Surgeons / Plastic Surgery / Cosmetic Surgery
- Podiatrists / Podiatry
- Psychiatrists / Psychiatry
- Psychiatric Hospitals
- Radiologists / Radiology
- Rehabilitation Hospitals
- Rheumatologists / Rheumatology
- Rural Hospitals
- Rural Health Billing
- Speech Therapy
- Surgeons / Surgery
- Telemedicine
- Urban Hospitals
- Urgent Care
- Urologists / Urology
- Vascular Surgery
- Other